Ana SayfaSerbest KürsüHistory Of Copper

History Of Copper

Among the elements,firstly copper and Aluminum are found by first people. Cause of there is many resource in KIBRIS, İt is estimated that named ‘Cyprus’ in all language. People think that, the first copper discovery at 9 thousands years. Most of resources are saying that copper found first at Anatolian region nearly Konya city. Copper was used pure form. People was using as decoration stuff. Copper things were used so much at Anatolian region. Copper tray was so famous at there. First metallurgical process at history made at 6 thousands year. Copper have a widely industry area. İt is using at electirical, transportation and general engineering application. There is a several reason for why copper is so famous.

History Of Copper

  1. There is many resources all around word and it can manufacturing.
  2. Copper have excellent conductive feature after than silver
  3. We can make a copper alloy with many element.

Physical And Chemical Property of Copper

Number of atom of copper is 29. Atom weight is 63,57 gram per mol. Copper has 2 izotopes 63Cu and 65Cu. Clour of copper have 2 clour image as brown and red. Copper is extremelly durable at atmospheric condition.

  • Density: 8,96 G/Cm³
  • Melting Point: 1083 – 1084 °C
  • Boiling Point: 2300 °C
  • Melting Heat: 43 K.Cal
  • Electric Conductive Feature: %99.95


Copper Resources

Biggest copper ore is found in West of America at Chile and Peru. These ore meets half of need of West World. There are a another ores at Pakintan and Iran. Furthermore there is a most important reserves ta middle of Africa.

Turkey have 2 main zone about copper ore reserves. Thats are East blacksea and Southeastern Anatolian Region. Revelant studies carried out by General Directorate of Mineral Research and Exploration, Black Sea Copper Operations, Etibank private sector.

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